
Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Today I am going to read you a fragment of an old text that is considered -and I quote- "one of the most noble works of world literature": the Book of Job. This is the story of a very wealthy man who lived 3,000 years ago, in the Bronze Age (the days of King David and King Solomon, the Iliad and the Odyssey 3,000 years ago)... The Book of Job is so splendidly well written that many experts place it on the same exalted plane as the works of Aeschylus and Sophocles, Dante, Milton and Goethe. Tennyson claimed that the Book of Job is "the greatest poem of ancient or modern times." Clearly a masterpiece, then. This is the intimate story of a good man who suffers so much that in his pain he will be driven to the extreme of cursing the day he was born. Job has no idea that he's at the centre of a contest between God and Satan; he wonders but ignores what God's purpose is in everything that happens to him, neither does he imagine that in maintaining his personal integrity in the midst of overwhelming suffering he is not only disproving, but even defeating Satan himself, because it is Satan -and not Job- who ends up humiliated.

Credits: The fragments of the Book of Job that I read (Chaps 1-3, 29 and 42) come from a beautiful translation in contemporary language called The Message (MSG) Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene H. Peterson I found them in a splendid portal called Bible Gateway: /passage/?search=Job+1&version=MSG ... where you can access dozens of different translations of the Bible in English (and in many other languages as well), with glossaries, commentaries and footnotes. Give yourself the chance to visit this Garden of Delights!

Music: "epic intro OU_32m", by Setuniman of "Sihouette of Time's Idea", by Mid-Air Machine, from their album So We Telepathy: Silhouette_of_Times_Idea_1524



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