Friday, July 31, 2020
At the beginning of chapter VII of his seminal work The Republic, Plato talks of a group of people who live in a cave, enslaved with chains around their neck and feet. They have never left the cave; the dark and humid walls of the cave, and the stale air inside, are all they know and breathe. They have never seen the outside world; all that their eyes ever witness are the shadows cast on the cave wall by a bonfire that burns behind their backs.
Join me as we ponder on this beautiful allegory of life, knowledge and enlightenment.
Credits: Written, presented and produced by Gabriel Porras, professional voiceover artist at gabrielvoice.com Translation: The verses from The Gospel of John chapter 1 are a free adaptation of the Spanish original from Dios Habla Hoy (DHH) Dios habla hoy ®, © Sociedades Bíblicas Unidas, 1966, 1970, 1979, 1983, 1996.
Music: SIHOUETTE OF TIME’S IDEA, by Mid-Air Machine at www.freemusicarchive.org SOMBRAS (Contursi & Lomuto) sang by Javier Solís Warner Chappell Music México, SA de CV EL SIQUISIRI, by Cucalambé From the álbum Compilado Jarocho / Fonogramas América Afroindígena www.freemusicarchive.org HANDPANOPHONE by David Charrier, from his álbum Ephemeral at Artlist.io
@ Copyright 2021 / GabrielVoice.com